Citizen College, a Pokhara University affiliate, is a professional management training center. The college boasts a position away from the hustle and bustle of the hectic metropolitan environment, which is ideal for any educational institution. It is located at Kumaripati, in the heart of the Lalitpur Metropolitan City. BCA program is The BCA degree is a four-year curriculum with eight semesters and a total of 126 credit hours. BCA is a popular academic curriculum among twenty-first-century students. This is an applied IT curriculum with a maximum of IT credit hours available. Pokhara University’s BCA degree integrates IT with business and management, allowing students to acquire managerial abilities in a modern company or organizational setting. Graduates will be eligible for admission to MCA, MBA, MIS, MIT, MSc, and other master’s level courses at accredited universities across the world after completing the program.
Objectives of BCA Program
The BCA program aims to provide students with both academic and practical computer expertise. Students will be able to do the following after finishing the program:
- Demonstrate professional expertise in software development as well as the design and execution of sophisticated computer and information systems.
- Demonstrate a solid grasp of essential computing principles.
Students who have finished the 10+2 or intermediate level in any subject, including science, engineering, management, arts, and others, are eligible to enroll in Pokhara University’s BCA program. Students having a background in mathematics and computer science will have an edge.
Course Structure
First Semester
- ENG 121: English – I
- MTH 131: Mathematics I
- ELX 141: Digital Logic Systems
- CMP 111: Computer Fundamentals and Application
- CMP 112: Programming Logic and Techniques
Second Semester
- ENG 122: Business Communication
- MTH 132: Mathematics II
- ACC 121: Financial Accounting I
- CMP 113: Programming Language in C
- ELX 142: Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics
- PRJ 151: Project I
Third Semester
- CMP 211: Object Oriented Programming in C++
- CMP 212: Data Structure and Algorithms
- ACC 221: Financial Accounting II
- CMP 213: System Analysis and Design
- ELX 241: Microprocessor
Fourth Semester
- MTH 231: Numerical Methods
- CMP 214: Visual Programming
- CMP 216: Database Management System
- CMP 271: Computer Graphics
- CMP 215: Operating System
- PRJ 251: Project II
Fifth Semester
- CMP 311: Computer Architecture
- CMP 413: Java Programming
- CMP 313: Web Technology I
- CMP 314: Mathematical Foundation for Computer Science
- CMP 315: Software Engineering
Sixth Semester
- STT 331: Probability & Statistics
- MGT 421: Organization & Management
- CMP 318: Web Technology II
- ECO 321: Applied Economics
- PRJ 351: Project III
Seventh Semester
- CMP 411: E-Business
- CMP 317: Linux
- INT 461: Internship
- CMP 412: Simulation & Modeling
- : Dot Net Programming
Eighth Semester
- CMP 316: Management Information System
- CMP 414: Mobile Technologies
- : Advance Database in PL/SQL
- PRJ 451: Project IV
For More Queries on Citizen College:
Official Website: www.citizencollege.edu.np
Address: Lalitpur 44600
Phone: 01-5545685